Inwiefern kann sich Chiropraktik während einer Schwangerschaft unterstützend auf Mutter und Kind auswirken? Tatsächlich gibt es einige Aspekte, die einen positiven Effekt auf eine Schwangerschaft haben, denn durch die Ausdehnung von Gebärmutter und der Körpermitte kommt es leicht zu Fehlstellungen in der Wirbelsäule und dem Becken. Mit Anwachsen des Bauches gleicht sich der Körper diesen…
To what extent can chiropractic have a supportive effect on mother and child during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a very important point in a woman's life, and it produces a multitude of hormonal, physical and emotional changes that have never happened before.
In this case, chiropractic plays a crucial role as it allows the body to work perfectly and adapt to all these changes. Physically, the weight increases, the center of gravity changes, the lumbar curve grows and the pelvis has to adapt to the baby.
However, this also puts more strain on the lower back and adjacent muscles, easily causing misalignments and stress in the spine and pelvis. Another stress source during pregnancy is the Relaxin hormone, which is secreted in order to relax the ligaments of the pelvis, and it could affect the stability of the spine.
So the correction of this misalignments helps to make this transition more comfortable for both mother and baby by relieving possible tensions and leaving more room for the baby to move freely.
Therefore, chiropractic regular checkups during pregnancy can help both mother and baby make the whole process healthier and easier.