
The importance of the nervous system for our health

What is the nervous system responsible for and how do I take good care of it?

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Why is it so important to have a healthy nervous system?

In the course of our first appointments, we always explain to our customers that it is possible that they can be a little tired or, on the contrary, very energetic after their appointments.

But what is the reason for this?

The reason for this is our nervous system, which is located in the spine and is composed of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.
The brain takes over the control and coordination of all functions of our body.

It receives its information from the "outside": i.e. information from the organs, or through the senses, such as taste, smell, sounds or even touches, etc.

Our brain reacts to these stimuli by sending back a reaction, such as moving a muscle, activating organs, secreting hormones,...

The nerves themselves can be imagined as a cable, which are the carriers of this information. They direct the stimuli to our brain and the information back to our tissue.
This means that with a healthy nervous system, the nerves send the right information and signals through the whole body undisturbed.

Often the case is that we suffered physical traumas, or stress of any kind, or prolonged bad postures… which can cause some vertebra on the spine to be blocked or misaligned.

Due to the misalignment of a vertebra, the nervous system can be disturbed or impaired, which, as we remember, lies in our spine. This acts as kind of short-circuit in our control system.
The resulting effects of the impaired nervous system range from barely imperceptible symptoms to  more severe health or physical complaints. An injury to the nervous system can therefore happen even without the person perceiving it and often only becomes noticeable in late stages of the injury, where the symptoms starts to increase.

But how can we now keep our nervous system and thus our health in tact?

This is where chiropractic comes into play, because the task of a chiropractor is to determine possible disorders of the nervous system and to correct them by adjusting the spine. Therefore, we can also answer the frequently asked question of whether a treatment makes sense even without complaints, with a clear „yes!“.

Because as already mentioned, disorders of the nervous system can also occur without any noticeable symptoms.