What actually is chiropractic?
Again and again one hears from chiropractors that chiropractic does not eliminate symptoms, that chiropractic is only about recognizing and correcting subluxations.
But why is back pain nevertheless relieved and eliminated, why do symptoms such as migraine, sleep problems, tingling limbs and many other complaints disappear with the therapy?
What is actually behind chiropractic?
What may seem a bit confusing at first is actually quite simple, because our body is designed to heal itself, to adapt to our circumstances and to repair any "construction sites" that occur within our bodies.
If we look back at our childhood and our many skinned knees, it was neither the colored plaster nor the kiss of our parents that finally healed the wounds, but our body alone.
When we suffer from an infection, the body raises its temperature to kill viruses and bacteria, etc..
And even if it sometimes seems difficult for us to trust the physiology of our own body, especially in the course of complaints or symptoms, we must not forget what our body is actually capable of healing itself.
But of course, the body is also dependent on our help or support from time to time, such as through some necessary medications or just through the adjustment of the spine for a functional nervous system.
And this is exactly what chiropractic focuses on: optimizing the perfect functioning of our own body.
And it does this by a chiropractor finding and correcting vertebral subluxations. As simple as that.
Therefore, yes, chiropractic does not aim to eliminate symptoms, but to find the cause of the problems, correct it and give back to the body its own power of self-healing.