Chiropractic is a holistic method based on the body's self-healing capacities, addressing the cause of the problem rather than dealing exclusively with symptoms, allowing the body to achieve its maximal potential.
Chiropractic specializes in expressing life, vitality, wellness and healing from within.
Chiropractic is not concerned with symptoms, but rather with the root cause of the problem.
Very often this cause is in the spine, presenting in the form of vertebral subluxations. These subluxations interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system and have detrimental effects on our health. These subluxations can occur in many different ways, including accidents, improper movements or bad postures, prolonged sitting, stress in our daily lives, or even as early as birth.
So, the chiropractor's job is to find and correct all these misaligned vertebrae with gentle adjustments, in order to restore proper movement of the spine and full function of the nervous system.
It is in this way that the body can reach its full potential and health is restored.
A healthy spine is a healthy life!